Gaetano Di Bacco

Graduated with honors from the Conservatory of Music in L’Aquila and attended classes with J.M. Londeix. Since 1984, he has given more than 1,600 concerts. As a member of the Quartetto di Sassofoni Accademia, he has toured Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Far East, North America and South America. Mr. Di Bacco has given concerts in prestigious venues including the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Teatro Teresa Carreño in Caracas, Palau de La Musica in Valencia, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, Konzerthaus in Bern, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona, Cappella Paolina at the Quirinale Palace and the most important concert associations in Italy. He has presented concerts with pianists and organists, with a variety of chamber music ensembles and as soloist with many symphony orchestras, including the Orchestra del Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana (a tour of Japan and China), Orchestra Filarmonica di Donetsk, Orquesta Sinfónica de Maracaibo, the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Internazionale di Lanciano, Orchestra Sinfonica Sulmonese (International Festival of Symphony Music El-Djem in Tunisia), Orchestra del Teatro Maruccino di Chieti, Zagreb String Orchestra and the Orchestra Benedetto Marcello, Orchestra del Conservatorio di Pescara, l’Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale di Kiev, Filarmonica di Chisinau, Orchestra da Camera di Riga, Orchestra Sinfonica di Donetsk, Orchestra Sinfonica di Adana (Turchia), Zilina Symphony Orchestra (Svolacchia) ecc...
Significant are the collaborations with soloists such as C. Delangle, B. Canino, M. Damerini, P. Gallois, L. Castellani, I Solisti Aquilani, Zagreb Saxophone Quartet and with important Italian composers such as E. Morricone, V. Fellegara, A. Gentile, F. Mannino and M. Di Bari.
Mr. Di Bacco is Professor of Saxophone at the Conservatory of Music in Pescara. He has given courses and master classes in France, Germany, the US, Spain, Belgium, Slovenia, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine and Venezuela, and he regularly holds training courses in Italy. Mr. Di Bacco participated in the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th World Saxophone Congresses. He has recorded nine compact discs for the Nuova Era, Dynamic, Edipan, Iktius and BMG-Ariola labels, and he has made numerous recordings for major television and radio broadcasts throughout the world.
His arrangements and editions have been published by Lemoine and Billaudot, and he frequently serves on the juries of international saxophone competitions. Mr. Di Bacco plays a Selmer saxophone, and he uses Vandoren reeds and BG accessories